One of the pioneers in integrating human employees with an AI counterpart, CSM Tech has shown that AI would not substitute humans, but instead complement and augment them at workplaces. Medha K is a Knowledge Assistant, integrated with ChatGPT to assist CSM’s internal employees. As an AI-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) Chatbot, it can understand and generate text based on the prompts and keywords you provide. Medha K is the human-AI trainer who can fine-tune language models, incorporate human feedback, and employ the most effective learning methods to ensure a seamless experience for everyone.
Given the promise of AI-human symbiosis in the future, CSM Tech plans to upgrade Medha K with new features like voice assistant implementation wherein any user can search for anything without inputting text. Search implementation would also be improved by feeding more data or providing high-end training to the Chatbot. Research on 1500 companies by Forbes found that firms achieve the most significant performance improvements when humans and machines work in synergy. AI solutions like Medha K will spur humans and AI to complement and enhance each other’s strengths.