CSM Tech Launches CSM ProofChain, a Secure and Efficient Way to Verify Employee Background

The New Indian Express     Innovation

06 April 2023

Bhubaneswar, India - CSM Tech, a leading technology consulting and services company based in India, has announced the official launch of CSM ProofChain, a blockchain-enabled service that provides secure and efficient employee background verification for ex-employees of CSM Tech.

CSM ProofChain is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology that ensures tamper-proof and secure data, making the hiring process reliable and trustworthy. When an ex-employee's data is added to the database, it becomes immutable, ensuring its integrity and authenticity. Employers and background verification agencies can access the platform and obtain secure, tamper-proof, and reliable employment history data.

The platform offers numerous benefits to employers and background verification agencies, including faster verification, reduced costs, and increased trust in the hiring process. CSM ProofChain eliminates the need for third-party background verification agencies, reducing costs associated with background checks.

CSM ProofChain is accessible at https://proofchain.csm.tech/, and employers and background verification agencies worldwide are invited to explore the platform and learn how it can benefit their organizations.

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