Workplace Transformation for Safety

  • 9th Apr,2020
  • 3 mins Read

Digital Workplace Transformation - CSM Technologies


‘Necessity is the mother of invention’

The phrase justifies the situation which we are facing right now. The global COVID-19 outbreak has brought the world to a standstill. Nevertheless, with lockdown being implemented across the globe, humans have found out alternatives to remain united and collaborate to succeed. One such adaptation is the digital transformation of workplaces. This concept is not new, but its adoption has been accelerated with the necessity of working remotely in the lockdown, enforced by the fatal Novel Coronavirus. We humans have always been known for breaking through a challenging situation with the power of innovation, for the Show must go on!

While considering and evaluating the shift to the remote digital workspace, the following are a few factors one should take into account:


How should The IT Preparedness Be To Make Remote Working ?

The preparedness starts with ensuring whether the employees have hardware support like laptops, voice communication system and proper connectivity to network and internet. Any organization must have VPN license to provide network license for CITRIC environment essential for the developer working on projects, PBX number facility for easy calling and communication along with collaborative meeting and communication platforms like Zoom licensing. For ensuring security it is vital to have web and application policy to block websites and cloud. For helpdesk, the IT should be ever prepared for the FAQs and solving the queries. 

CSM’s IT team have made it possible for the employees to work remotely on a fast track mode. With all the licensing in place, VPN supporting 392 – 500 employees at work, with 50 crucial developers in CITRIC and PBX number for calling along with ZOOM collaborative meeting suit for connecting with stakeholders and clients. The IT team works in shifts at the office to manage power failures and emergency cases. All the systems are pen drive locked for security purpose. 


How To Take Care of Project Management, Reporting and Monitoring?

Project management information system is a critical component of ERP modules such as Kwantify (now Tendrils) by CSM. Such a collaborative suite helps in assigning tasks on a weekly and daily basis and monitoring of the progress of the task. The system enables developers to report about their work and help managers to review it. Collaborative communication tools like ZOOM and SKYPE helps in the team meeting, review and discussion. Quality and Testing team also reports their observation with the help of this system.


How To Facilitate Employees and Other HR Concerns?

The HR concerns starting from recruitment, training and induction, attendance, assessment, performance appraisal, salary and payroll, income tax and other concerns of the employees care online through ERP systems such as Kwantify (now Tendrils) by CSM. Easy access to the directory of the employees aids HR in faster internal communication. Online login helps the HR to keep track of the leave, absentees and attendance of the employees seamlessly. The payroll and salary are completely done online and is paperless. In the event of an emergency, such a system proves to be fruitful in the remote working environment. This preparedness has enabled and empowered the entire team to work smoothly from any corner of the nation and 

The shift from a normal office working environment to a digital workspace is not an easy task. Indeed organizations have started rethinking on the contingency plan for remotely working in this testing time. The factors mentioned above may be something which we may just take for granted in a normal office setting, but those requirements might be the most essential to be taken care of while implementing the change in the work model. 

As technology partners the national & state governments, CSM is committed to providing continuity in business services at any hour. Standing up to its promise of being ‘Sarvada Samarth’, CSM hopes to inspire all those who are willing to adapt to the need of the hour and build resilience in their working models through digital transformation.


"If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving... " ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Tapaswini Swain

Communication Consultant, Marketing

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