Bhubaneswar, August 17: CSM Technologies has bagged two recognitions of SKOCH Order of Merit for its solutions- Crop Analytics and Integrated Citizen Feedback Management System. Both the digital solutions implemented in Odisha have produced stellar outcomes.
Commenting on the recognition, Priyadarshi Nanu Pany, Founder & CEO of CSM Technologies said, “It’s a proud moment for CSM Tech to have been feted with this honour that not only acknowledges exceptional achievers—organizations and individuals but also spurs leadership excellence. This recognition will prod us further to design and deliver ground-breaking digital solution in the future for transforming the face of governance and last-mile public service delivery”.
Crop Analytics is a digital catalyst for steering the landscape for farm and farmers to Agriculture 4.0. Its striking takeaway is the collation of ground-truth intelligence for checking discrepancies on the ground and empowering governments to map out genuine beneficiaries by strengthening oversight. Crop Analytics uses a confluence of technologies like satellite-based GIS mapping, Analytics and Visualization to capture hyper-local data on the trends of farmers’ registration in the last four seasons, registration of new farmers, drop-out of farmers and the number of plots registered by landowner farmers and landless sharecroppers, district wise and to the village level.
The other solution- Integrated Citizen Feedback Management System leverages technology to offer immersive citizen experience. The omnichannel citizen feedback system allows government organizations to collect citizen feedback from various channels to achieve their goals efficiently. The centralized feedback system facilitates real-time interaction between citizens and government, thus boosting participative democracy. Feedback sourcing in this platform is outbound and inbound. The system is designed to induce a sustained behavioural change among government officials and transform their approach from reactive to pro-active.
Instituted in 2003, the reputed SKOCH Award salutes people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation.